
Hey everyone 👋 For those of you I haven’t met, my name is Brian Davidson. I’m currently a Sales Engineer at Google working on the Google Maps Platform. I started this blog as a way to write about what I’m thinking, feeling, etc. Most of it will be professional in nature, but occasionally you might see a personal post from me. This one is a good example of a personal post.

I currently live in Falls Church, VA with my lovely wife and our two crazy, but cute dogs. We recently bought a home, so I’ve been able to keep myself busy with projects around the house. I love movies, and am a big fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. On this site, I’ll rate movies as I see them, and you can find them in the Movies section. As I take photos, they’ll appear in the Photos section. As much as I’d love to be a photographer, most of my images are of my dogs and wife, so be prepared.

I guess that’s really all for now. I don’t have a ton to say in this moment, but I will give credit to Tom Macwright for this awesome template (that you too, can own over on ko-fi). It’s a great starting point for customizability and is super fast.

At any rate, thanks again for reading 😄

December 11, 2022  Brian Davidson