I watched Avatar: Way of the Water by James Cameron on December 31, 2022


To round out the year, Brianna and I went and saw Avatar: Way of the Water in IMAX Laser 3D. Honestly, it was about what I expected. I think the biggest issue I had was it didn’t really feel like it played off the first one well considering it was a “sequel”. I know it’s been 10 years, but all in all it just felt like a money grab by Disney. I also learned that apparently there are 3 more sequels in the works 🤯. I’m not sure what else they can do with it other than the same thing…again.

All in all, it was nothing earth shattering. The story was fine, the visuals were stunning (which is the real reason I went), and the acting was good enough. Not looking forward to the sequels, but who knows…maybe they’ll surprise me.


  • Director: James Cameron
  • Release Date: 2022
  • Genre: Drama, Action
  • IMDB link