I watched Limitless by Neil Burger on January 5, 2023


Starting off the new year, I decided I wanted a movie I’d seen before, but really enjoy. In this case, it was Limitless, staring Bradley Cooper and Robert DeNiro. It’s a movie about ‘unlocking 100% of our brain’ through taking this pill called NZT. It’s a thriller with a sci-fi twist and definitely keeps you enticed throughout the whole film by adding in the Russian mafia, a sprinkle of romance, and some dark humor along the way. Definitely one of my favorite movies to come out in the last 15 years or so and it had some pretty good reviews overall. If you haven’t seen it and are into thrillers, this is one to watch.

I think it eventually became a TV series, but I never watched that. Maybe I should though.


  • Director: Neil Burger
  • Release Date: 2011
  • Genre: Sci-fi, Thriller
  • IMDB link